



Laboratory Module



Helps to reduce costs and promote increased efficiency and productivity

In the laboratory indicators module, we have the endorsment of SBPC/ML – Brazilian Society of Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine, Controllab partner since 1977.

How does it help in the day-to-day of the laboratory?

Promotes information for more assertive decisions. The platform improves processes, enhances performance, identifies new opportunities and keeps the organization sustainable.

The information generated by the program encourages decision makers to gain a broader view of the results achieved for the process improvement and laboratory sustainability.

Evidências concretas do desempenho do processo frente ao mercado​

Concrete evidence of market process performance

With Metricare, the laboratory identifies whether the efforts and strategies applied in the processes are competitive with their equals, based on hard evidence. This evidence helps to reduce costs, increase efficiency and productivity.

This is because the program uses benchmarked indicators to measure and compare laboratory performance against market performance.

Data analyzed with impair and safety

The indicators contemplated in the laboratory module are correlated in all areas, providing a global and systemic view of the process.

A multidisciplinary team (including statistics) reviews data reported in the program of Metricare, that acts as a third party company, imparting impartiality and confidentiality to reported data.

Metricare follows a code of ethical conduct & compliance integrated with national and international laws for general data protection. The platform has a detailed manual and description for the reliability and standardization of information.

Benchmarking powered indicators

There are more than 150 indicators available for the laboratory.

To simplify data collection and improve access to information, partner companies integrate the LISto the Metricare, promovendo mais agilidade nos processos e confiabilidade nas informações disponibilizadas em tempo real para a tomada de decisão.





History and tracking for certifications and accreditations

Traceability in Metricare favors transparency for accreditations such as ISO 15189, CAP, PALC, DICQ and others, which require the demonstration of objective evidence that supports and assists the planning, monitoring and evaluation of process performance.

Assess whether your laboratory processes are performed competitively

In the platform, the laboratory has a chance to compare with its equals and see if the actions taken over time are significant in relation to the market.

Benchmarking program that collaborates with the improvement of the sector

By participating, the laboratory improves the monitoring of indicators and there is greater effectiveness in management, increasing the level of safety for managers, health professionals and patients.

SBPC/ML e Controllab, are collaborating entities in the QUALISS – Qualification Program of Health Service Providers ofANS – National Agency of Supplementary Health.

Broad and comprehensive
indicator scope

Internationally harmonized indicators aligned with IFCC

Goal setting to achieve determined goals

Advisory group of experts involved in monitoring the program

Comparison between networks
(support or brands)

Integration with LIS providers to simplify data collection

Participant laboratory profiles

Some numbers prove the heterogeneity between laboratories, contributing to a robust benchmarking program.

these are laboratories that perform more than 50,000 exams/month
70 %
they attend the private health network
86 %
they attend the public health network
14 %
these are independent laboratories
69 %
these are laboratories based in hospital or blood bank
31 %





Ally in times of crisis management

n times of crisis management, such as the one caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Metricare becomes an ally to managers.

In order to maintain reliable processes, avoid impacts on the quality of the results and protect the reputation of the institutions, the data obtained in the PBIL were fundamental to guide the managers’ decision.

Having the measurement and knowledge of the weaknesses and strengths of the laboratory, were determining factors for agile decisions, amid scenarios of uncertainty.

Program operation

Monthly, laboratories receive benchmarking from data reported or obtained directly from the Laboratory Information System (LIS). Upon registration, the laboratory receives a password to access Metricare.

Partinership with LIS companies

LIS developers integrate laboratory systems with Metricare to reduce data collection complexity and improve access to information, promoting faster process processes and reliability of real-time decision-making information.


it lets you focus on benchmarking results analysis




reduce data collection failures


time in raw data monitoring

Some developer companies, in addition to integrating LIS, promote the indicators in their systems to contribute to laboratory sustainability.


"Vemos a integração do sistema do laboratório ao PBIL como uma grande possibilidade para que os menores laboratórios possam ter acesso facilitado a indicadores, já que eles têm mais dificuldade de investimento".

Paulo Alexandre Simões Diretor Operacional - Confidentia


"O maior benefício alcançado pela Karyon foi o de proporcionar aos nossos clientes uma análise comparativa de eficiência do laboratório nesse mercado cada vez mais competitivo".

Durval Belém Diretor Comercial - Karyon


"Sempre que podemos fornecer soluções que contribuem para o desenvolvimento do setor laboratorial, através da nossa especialidade, sabemos que estamos no caminho certo! Estamos felizes com os resultados, pois, além do grande benefício para o setor de Medicina Diagnóstica, contamos com o compromisso desses parceiros em todos os momentos!”.

Silvia Yano Gerente de Marketing - Matrix.


"O acesso a informação e o poder de facilitar a tomada de decisão bem embasada é o maior valor viabilizado pela nossa parceria".

Armando Buchina CEO - Pixeon

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